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Guidelines for Submission of Manuscript

Research Spectra is a multidisciplinary peer reviewed International journal published triannually in which selected, original research papers and articles encompassing all branches of Commerce, Arts, Science, Library Science, Computer Science, Environmental Science, Agricultural Sciences, Medical Science, Technology and related fields. Manuscripts submitted to the journal must be original, and not submitted for publication anywhere else. All the authors and co-authors must be a member or subscriber of the Journal at the time of submission of the manuscript.

Preparation of Manuscripts:

All manuscripts should be typed in 1.5 line spacing with 12 font size of M.S. Word in Times New Roman font with one-inch margin on each side. Research papers should be prepared in duplicate and not exceed 10 typed pages including illustrations and tables. All generic and species names should be printed in italics.

Submission of Manuscript:

All manuscript should be submitted by email to must be prepared in MS-Word software. Each figure should be saved as separate file in Corel draw or JPEG format. Also one hard copy of manuscripts should be sent to chief editor. In case manuscripts cannot be submitted through email, typed manuscripts in duplicate along with a soft copy in MS-Word should be sent at following address:

Research Spectra
House No. 97, Mahamana Puri Colony,
Anjan Baba Mandir,
B.H.U. Varanasi (U.P.), Pin-221005 ,India.

Format of Manuscripts:

All manuscripts should be arranged as follows.
The order of the content must be as per following sequence;

  1. Title Page with Authors details
  2. Abstract & Keywords
  3. Introduction
  4. Materials and Methods
  5. Results
  6. Discussion
  7. References
  8. Annexes (if any)


The title of paper should be concise, specific and informative, typed in capital letters.


Name of authors should be in capital letters.


The name of the Institution where the work has been carried out and mention the address to which all correspondence concerning the manuscripts should be made. Add an E-mail address for an easy and fast communication of all author & coauthors.


An Abstract should be brief with salient points and important conclusion, not exceeding 250 words without references.

Key Words:

An abstract should be followed by not more than eight keywords indicating the contents of the manuscript.


Use the following format for References:
For articles:Gaur Ramesh C. (2012). Recent issues in International Journal of Information Research, Vol. 44, 10-12.
For books: Prasad L.M (2010). Principles and Practices of Management. New Delhi: Sultan Chand and Sons Publications.
For web sites:WHO. (2010). Retrieved August 25, 2010, from

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